
Your Child’s Learning

Our aim is to make learning fun, through play, activities and stories, and to provide a safe and happy environment where children can explore and experience a variety of activities that are fun, stimulating and educational. We achieve this through both planned activities and everyday routines.

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Development Matters’ guidance to plan and implement a range of play activities which help children to make progress in each of the 7 areas of learning and development. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding.

We encourage independence whilst teaching and supporting your child, we ensure that the activities are suited to your child’s individual needs.

Planned activities are based on the Early Learning Goals within the 7 areas of development and the learning opportunities that are subsequently created when using resources such as role play or construction equipment.

Resources are varied daily to provide ample learning opportunities.

Daily routines offer many opportunities for children to develop life skills such as: Understanding the need for simple rules.

Encouraging independence and developing self-help skills such as dressing, toileting and personal hygiene.

The development of relationships and helping them to understand the vital art of sharing and taking turns.

At Happytots Pre-School we gather information on how your child is developing through a variety of observation formats. We keep a folder for each child called a ‘Development Record’. A variety of observations, photographs, drawings, writing and special pieces of artwork that your child has done will be included in this folder and will be used as evidence when tracking progress towards their next development milestone.

Keyperson Role:

Your child will be assigned a Keyperson when they start at Pre-School. Your child’s Keyperson will be the main person who works with you to ensure the provision is right for your child’s needs and interests, thereby aiding the settling in process and ensuring your child’s time spent with us is a positive, happy experience. The Keyperson will be responsible for tracking your child’s development and planning for future learning and development. You will be able to meet with your child’s Keyperson to discuss progress and how best to support your child.

Each half term your child’s Keyperson will produce a plan to develop and extend your child’s learning. This will be shared in partnership with parents giving suggestions of activities that can be carried out at home each week to further enhance your child’s learning.

Staff will observe the children at play and note the activities and areas which interest them and so stimulate them to learn. Staff will then use this information to plan further activities and learning opportunities which will help the children progress onto their next developmental milestones.

Planning is done on a weekly basis; the Keyperson will focus on her key children and learning opportunities will be created for each child.

Learning areas within the nursery are enhanced by adding additional resources and materials and activities, which are both planned and spontaneous, according to the interests of the child.

Staff will carry out detailed observations on children on each of the learning areas.

Building Positive Relationships

We strongly believe that building positive relationships between parents and practitioners is a two-way process, sharing information, knowledge and expertise between each other.

In order to facilitate this, we create a warm welcoming environment with highly qualified, knowledgeable, experienced and approachable practitioners.

We have an ‘open door’ approach and welcome parents anytime to discuss your child progress, how best to support your child or discuss any concern you may have.

Throughout the year we hold a variety of parent events where you are able to discuss your child’s progress, these events provide opportunity for input from parents, enabling you to be included in your child’s learning and development and for your child to be viewed holistically.

Welcome Evening – An informal evening where you can meet your child’s Key person and other staff members, meet other parents and discuss how your child is settling in.

Parents Evening – An informal evening where you will be able to meet with your child’s Keyperson and discuss your child’s progress, celebrate achievements, chat to other staff members and other parents

Parent Consultations – A more formal meeting with your child’s Keyperson to discuss your child’s progress and celebrate achievements.

Other events throughout the year include:

  • Mother’s / Father’s Day Tea
  • Sports Day
  • Christmas Disco
  • Christmas Nativity